Tuesday 20 September 2011

A Day at the Peach Farm

First things first, there was the taste test.


Little D. using a step stool to reach the high spots

We couldn't stop picking!

The tractor ride back to the homestead.

The bounty!

Hamming it up!

A chicken wrap for dinner!
All in all, we picked close to 35 lbs of peaches and nectarines.  They were heavenly!  I made a pie, a crumble and a cobbler.  To Die For!  So good.  I know I took some pictures and am searching for them now.  I also froze some sliced up fruit for smoothies and a winter time peach pie.  We're already getting excited fo apples season!

Gotta Eat!

Monday: Gnocchi with sauce and veggies with dip
Tuesday: Chicken noodle soup with a Caesar salad
Wednesday: Waffles and turkey bacon with a fruit salad
Thursday: Pierogi with red barszcz
Friday: Split pea soup with garlic cheese bread
Saturday: Steaks with roasted potatoes and salad
Sunday: Out! (hot dogs for lunch)

We're still trying to figure out our weekly routine- some of our activities start this week but we're really going to nail things down next week when everything does begin. I haven't baked too much lately because we are also in the middle of a renovation and I have been running around picking up odds and ends.   However,  I hope to bake some muffins (for a school snack) and a cake or crumble this week.  I'm also trying to clear out my freezer and pantry because I have a bit of a collection of "in case of emergency" foods!

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Monday: Cheese quesadillas with black-eyed peas salad
Tues: Breaded cod, roasted potatoes and honey carrots
Wed: Shrimp stir fry (with broccoli, zucchini, red peppers) & noodles
Thurs: Breaded pork with roasted potatoes and veggies with dip
Fri: pizza
Sat: out!
Sun: out, too!

Thursday I am going to make zucchini soup so that I can pack it in a thermos for Little D on Friday, plus, it will save me some work too.