Friday 9 March 2012

March Break Madness 2012!

Since we are still in the thick of it for illness, here's hoping we recover enough to enjoy the Spring Break!  I'm planning on keeping the time spent in the kitchen to a minimum so I've stocked the cupboards full of Kraft dinner and beans!  I'm sure there will be one rainy day that we'll stay home and I think I'll bake something fun with the kids and make a more fancy dinner.

Meal Plan:
Today: Left over baked beans with turkey sausage
Sat: Left over pasta and sauce
Sun:  Pork carnitas in the slow cooker
Mon: Kraft dinner with veggies
Tues: Baked potatoes with breaded pork cutlets
Wed: out
Thurs: out
Fri:  chicken nuggets with fries
Sat: St. Patrick's Day dinner
Sun: Duck l'orange with roasted potatoes & salad

Mon: Maple festival and lunch at Mandarin
Tues: play date (stick close to home)
Wed: day with dad (zoo or Niagara or museum)
Thurs: Science Centre and lunch at grandma's
Fri:  TBA
Sat: Fun swim
Sun: stick close to home - walk at Jack Darling

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Sicky Day

We are dealing with another bout of illness at home.  Little D was on his last day of antibiotics for his ear when it flared up again and now he is on round two.  Mr. T was feeling left out due to this ongoing illness with Little D so he has "sympathy stomach."  I had to drive to school twice to pick up each kid.  Spent the better part (two hours) of a lovely sunny day in a waiting room.  Not how I had imagined the day.  So with two sick kids in front of the TV I had some free time.  I decided to make us a nice, pick-me-up dinner.  Spaghetti with chicken meatballs, homemade sauce and a chocolate cake complete with frosting.  Needless to say we overate and that it was awesome!  Here are the recipes  ( and  and the pictures to drool over!

The meatballs!
 Making frosting seems like such an extra bother, but it was so worth it!  The chocolaty cake and the vanilla butter cream frosting were a match made in heaven.  Plus, the cake isn't too big, so we won't be eating it for a week, which is nice, but gets a bit tedious.
Frosted cake is approved!

So good!
 My only hope is that the extra frosting will make the kids feel better again.  Wonders never cease!
No frosting left behind!