Monday 7 November 2011

Another week...

Monday: Spaghetti with tomato sauce
Tuesday:  Pork chops with roasted veggies and coleslaw
Wednesday:  Beef tacos with all the fixings
Thursday:  Turkey pot pie with Cesar salad
Friday: Pierogi with sour cream
Saturday:  tba
Sunday: tba

It's a pretty straight forward meal plan.  I like to keep the weekend meals open to see where we are and who we see, also what may inspire us!  We're going to have friends over for brunch so I am planning that out already - definitely some kind of waffles, baked bacon, fruit salad and something eggy.  Fun!  I baked the pumpkin cupcakes again, and we are really enjoying them!  I will also make some soup so that we can have it for lunch and in case of emergencies!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Meal plan

Monday- Macaroni and cheese with spinach salad
Tuesday- Proscutto wrapped chicken with mac n cheese & broccoli
Wednesday - Salmon with couscous salad & buttered peas
Thursday- Beef barley soup with crudites
Friday - Orange chicken in the slow cooker with rice
Saturday - out
Sunday- tba